About CanRisk Web-Services

About CanRisk Web-Services

Web-Services provide programmatic access to the BOADICEA Model (to compute breast cancer risks) and the Ovarian Cancer Model.

Patient identifiable data are not required to run the risk calculations, and the client software should remove names to de-identify the data before submitting the request to the web-service.

To avoid possible slowdown of the CanRisk Tool website, we request that users of the web-services submit only small data sets for short periods during the week, and larger data sets over the weekend. It is best to submit requests to the service intermittently in small batches. We may apply maximum throttle rates to the web-services to help manage resources. Please contact us via the CanRisk Helpdesk (E-mail: canrisk@medschl.cam.ac.uk) if you do need to submit large data sets so we can help with scheduling.

All requests to the web-services are made over HTTPS. 

Data are sent to and from the web-service in JSON format.

You can request an authentication token using the ‘auth-token’ web-service and add it to the request authorisation headers. 

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